2022-2023 Proposed Board of Directors
(Click on Function to view Job Description)
The Nominating Committee presents the following slate for election to the Board by the membership at the Annual General Meeting:
First Name | Last Name | Function |
John | Willson | President |
Deb | Forsyth-Petrov | Vice President |
Betty | Horton | Treasurer |
Glenn | Yaffee | Past President |
Rich | Bailey | Corporate Secretary |
Rosemary | Tessier | Recording Secretary |
Judy | McCormick | Chair Curriculum |
Roger | Tessier | Chair Technology |
Audra | Hudek | Social Convenor |
Jane | Botsford | Director at Large |
Vacant | Registrar | |
Vacant | Director at Large | |
Nomination of members in good standing as candidates for election to the Board may also be made by members, provided each candidate’s nomination shall be endorsed by five (5) members and the candidate acknowledges in writing her/his willingness to stand and provided the written nomination shall be received by the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee not less than fourteen (14) days before the Annual General Meeting.
Anyone wishing to stand for election to the vacant positions should contact the Chair of the Nominating Committee, Glenn Yaffee, through the Registrar at registrar@learningunlimitedetobicoke.com.